There are too many carabiners for me to assemble a comprehensive collection, so I don't try. That said, I have accumulated a few over the years. I have not had and do not have time to research these, and so I am only providing an image gallery at this time. If you would like to see a proper collection, I recommend Sam Johnson's site:
My modest set includes a few interesting designs (this gallery excludes specialty carabiners):
AMF (American Machine and Foundry)
Black Diamond - Nonlocking Ovals
CAMP (Concezione Articoli Montagna Premana) - Nonlocking
CAMP (Concezione Articoli Montagna Premana) - Locking
CMC Rescue (orig, California Mountain Co.)
DMM (orig. [Denis] Morehouse Eng.) - Nonlocking
DMM (orig. [Denis] Morehouse Eng.) - Standard Locking
DMM (orig. [Denis] Morehouse Eng.) - Autolocking
Leningrad Experimental Shipyard of the VTsSPS
MSR (Mountain Safety Research)
NRS (Northwest River Supplies)
Petzl Locking Ovals, HMS, etc.
PMI (Pidgeon Mountain Industties)
REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) - Ovals
REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.) - Ds and Locking Ds
SMC (Seattle Manufacturing Corp.)- Nonlocking
= Under construction;