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Belay Tubes

Six belay tubesI like belay tubes. The rope runs smoothly, they dissipate heat, they wear well, they are small, and they don't cost very much. I used to prefer the Trango Pyramid (a Tuber) because it worked better on 9 mm. ropes than some of the other belay devices (it seems that everything works on 11 mm. ropes). When Trango introduced the Jaws, I’d found a new favorite belay device. The Jaws’ teeth significantly increase friction when needed. I no longer have nightmares about losing control while rappelling down my haul line. Still, these are belay devices, not long drop rappel devices. One of my former (now deceased) friends claimed that "there is more metal in a pop tab on a can of Miller;" probably an exaggeration, but it makes a point.

I use the following criteria to decide whether to call something a Belay Tube:

  • The devices that I placed in this category have rope channels defined by a single piece of metal (this eliminates devices like the original Petzl Reverso).
  • Other than a keeper, they have no moving parts (this eliminates the Simond Toucan).
  • Each rope channel is rather tall compared to the thickness of the side walls defining the channel (this eliminates the Slotted Block Belay Devices).

The example that I use for comparison when I consider placing a device into this category is the Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller.

There are a lot of similarities between belay tubes. Two points that differentiate them are the slot length and the slot depth. The longer the slot length, the less friction the device has. The deeper the slot (up to a point), the less friction. There used to be a trend for devices with longer slots to have shallower slot depths, but this no longer seems to be the case. Slot width limits the size rope that one can use.

I define slot dimension is defined in the obvious way. My definition for carabiner depth is more arbitrary, because it is based on the carabiner chosen. I measured this as the depth from the top of the slot to the top (outside) of a particular Omega oval. This is not only arbitrary, but more difficult to measure accurately than simple length or width (i.e., your mileage may vary).

In the ID field, I used a green background for notched belay tubes, a cyan background for plain belay tubes, and a magenta background for toys.


Image ID  Device ↓ Description Acquired Weight ↓ Height ↓ Width ↓ Thickness ↓ Std. volume ↓ Slot Length ↓ Slot
Width ↓
Depth ↓
Advanced Base Camp ARC, Version A 753
Advanced Base Camp ARC, Version A Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, plastic covered cable keeper
  • Yucca Dune, 2001
  • Bob Thrun Collection, 2017
60 53 46 101 244 33 14 16
Advanced Base Camp ARC, Version B 847 Advanced Base Camp ARC, Version B Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, stiff plastic-covered cable keeper Get Lost Adventures, 2007 62 53 46 84 204 33 14 15
Advanced Base Camp ARC Rigid 1862 Advanced Base Camp ARC Rigid Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, stiff plastic-covered cable keeper SiteLead Inc., 2015 68 56 47 73 193 31 14 15
Advanced Base Camp Brakeman 754 Advanced Base Camp Brakeman Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper Yucca Dune, 2001 51 57 48 85 232 32 15 13
AL-NASR 1832 AL-NASR Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Gold Bucket, 2014 84 94 40 115 435 34 14 23
Alpidex Aiolos 2685 Alpidex Aiolos Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper David Wain, 2017 93 51 45 112 261 31 14 19
Alpidex Silenos 2686 Alpidex Silenos
Star Star Star
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wire keeper David Wain, 2017 75 60 48 117 336 34 15 14
Anlo Mountain Five 1688 Anlo Mountain Five Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, twisted carabiner eye, release hook, plastic-covered cable keeper Christoph Wendel, 2010 122 113 39 90 397 29 13 28
Anpen 2779 Anpen Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Rock Pursuit, 2019 53 55 47 89 230 35 16 10
Apex Rock Mako Clymb 1817 Apex Rock Mako Clymb
Star Star Star
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Frank Hale, 2014 74 60 48 110 315 34 5 16
Asol S.E.Peak 2751 Asol S.E.Peak Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Bosity, 2019 88 99 41 97 391 37 14 21
AustriAlpin, Version A 860 AustriAlpin, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper AustriAlpin USA, 2007 58 53 46 102 247 33 14 16
AustriAlpin, Version B 1821 AustriAlpin, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Contact Left Ltd., 2014 60 56 47 96 253 31 15 13
Beal Air Force 1 2687 Beal Air Force 1 Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, plain & ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Absolute Snow, 2017 45 58 24 99 135 40 16 21
Beal Air Force 2 2705 Beal Air Force 2 Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plain & ribbed V grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2017 75 55 45 101 247 28 16 19
Beal Air Force 3 1890 Beal Air Force 3 Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2016 91 101 44 90 405 40 16 21
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version A 1632 Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version A Forged Al, plain anodized, 2 slots, plastic covered cable keeper Zachary Britner, 2009 51 56 47 100 264 31 14 15
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version B 2678 Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version B Forged Al, plain anodized, 2 slots, plastic covered cable keeper Yinetyme (Nocogear), 2017 50 56 47 99 262 31 15 15
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version C 3951 Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version C Forged Al, plain anodized, 2 slots, plastic covered cable keeper Shafic Massis, 2024 50 56 47 103 273 32 14 13
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version D 676
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version D Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Ragged Mountain Equipment, 1994
  • Robert Southard, 2007
  • Stanley E. Thomas, 2012
  • H. Zamar, 2024
55 57 48 99 267 31 14 13
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version E 3787
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version E Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, plastic covered cable keeper
  • Bruce D. Vinkemulder, 2022
  • Sam Johnson, 2023
62 57 47 99 265 31 14 16
Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version F 1649 Black Diamond Air Traffic Controller, Version F Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Sheryle Bauer, 2009 60 56 47 98 260 31 14 14
Black Diamond ATC-Alpine Guide 2813 Black Diamond ATC-Alpine Guide Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2021 73 92 35 101 320 31 12 24
Black Diamond ATC-Guide, Version A 835 Black Diamond ATC-Guide, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Mountain Gear, 2006 98 94 42 102 406 36 14 12
Black Diamond ATC-Guide, Version B 1714 Black Diamond ATC-Guide, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2011 91 94 41 98 375 35 15 23
Black Diamond ATC-Guide, Version B 2814 Black Diamond ATC-Guide, Version C Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2021 81 95 43 101 416 36 14 26
Black Diamond ATC-Sport 893 Black Diamond ATC-Sport Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Mountain Gear, 2008 59 57 26 57 83 31 15 17
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version A 776
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version A Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper
  •, 2003
  • Paul Remington, 2021
87 54 45 109 265 31 14 14
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version <B>A</B> 2811 Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version B Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Scott Conger, 2021 87 54 47 104 262 31 14 19
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version C 2803 Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version C Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Pauline Pool, 2021 88 54 48 108 281 31 14 19
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version D 1683
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version D Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Mountain Gear, 2010
  • Tom Smith, 2021
95 54 46 112 281 31 15 20
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version E 1745
Black Diamond ATC-XP, Version E Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Bob Wilson/everythingflight, 2012
  • Unique Outfitters, 2012
64 51 45 90 203 31 15 19
BlueWater 869 BlueWater Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper Mark McIntyre, 2007 49 57 48 83 225 32 15 13
BlueWater AirBrake, Version A 667
BlueWater AirBrake, Version A Forged Al, unfinished, 2 curved slots, cord keeper
  • Exkursion, 1995
  • Kenneth Belk, 2021
48 55 48 19 51 34 13 11
BlueWater AirBrake, Version B 857 BlueWater AirBrake, Version B Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 curved slots, cord keeper Dan MacKinnon, 2007 46 55 48 19 50 33 13 11
BlueWater Guardian 1788 BlueWater Guardian Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper JustRescue, 2012 91 52 46 117 275 30 14 19
BlueWater Ranger 1789 BlueWater Ranger Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper JustRescue, 2012 97 93 43 105 420 35 14 23
Brasovia Lightweight 1666 Brasovia Lightweight Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Brasovia, 2009 56 55 46 109 279 35 16 7
Brasovia Notched 1667 Brasovia Notched Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Brasovia, 2009 64 55 44 107 259 35 16 13
Brasovia Wedgemount 1772 Brasovia Wedgemount Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Brasovia, 2012 61 52 46 99 235 33 14 16
Camnal, Version A 2758 Camnal, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Strade FarEast Ltd. (perfeclan), 2019 55 87 46 100 398 35 15 13
Camnal, Version B 2774 Camnal, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper modeldeal88, 2019 55 88 46 100 405 35 15 13
C.A.M.P., Version A 717 C.A.M.P., Version A Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, cord keeper Jeejo Climbing, 1999 46 53 46 101 245 33 14 15
C.A.M.P., Version B 1691 C.A.M.P., Version B Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Chloe Reeder, 2010 59 53 46 106 255 33 14 16
C.A.M.P. Lotus 867 C.A.M.P. Lotus
Star Star
Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, double sided, double ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Walkhigh Mountaineering, 2007 103 65 47 107 326 34 13 23
C.A.M.P. Shell, Version A 760 C.A.M.P. Shell, Version A Forged Al, painted, 2 slots, cord keeper K&R Adventure Gear, 2001 60 52 46 24 58 33 14 15
C.A.M.P. Shell 2857 C.A.M.P. Shell, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Moosejaw, 2021 59 53 46 106 255 34 15 16
Climb Axe Max 779 Climb Axe Max Forged Al. Soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb Max, 2003 51 56 47 100 259 34 16 7
Climb Axe V-LOK 1669 Climb Axe V-LOK Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb Axe, 2010 63 55 45 95 235 35 16 16
Climb Tech 1798 Climb Tech Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb Tech, 2012 62 55 44 90 219 35 15 16
Climb X Guide 1847 Climb X Guide Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb X, 2015 100 94 43 107 430 33 15 14
Climb X Mako 1849 Climb X Mako
Star Star Star
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wire keeper Climb X, 2015 75 59 48 113 318 35 14 19
Climb Axe Max-Air 1846 Climb X Max-Air Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb X, 2015 58 52 45 88 167 33 14 16
Climb X V-Max 1844 Climb X V-Max Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Kevin Liao, 2015 65 61 41 94 236 31 14 19
Climb Axe, Version A 2891 Climb X, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Adventure Outdoors, 2021 57 56 48 99 264 35 16 7
Climb X XP 1848 Climb X XP Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb X, 2015 93 54 45 117 288 36 15 19
Climb X XTC Pro Guide 2725 Climb X XTC Pro Guide Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, 2 eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Climb X, 2018 109 103 42 97 418 37 14 24
Climbing Technology Be↗Up 1872 Climbing Technology Be↗Up Forged & Folded Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eye, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2015 86 80 41 90 289 33 13 36
Climbing Technology Double 1838 Climbing Technology Double Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Lior Porian, 2015 62 56 47 96 252 31 15 14
Climbing Technology Double V-Row 1839 Climbing Technology Double V-Row
Star Star Star
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Lior Porian, 2015 74 60 48 109 313 33 15 13
Clog Flyer, Version A 1627 Clog Flyer, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, rod keeper Needle Sports, 2009 53 55 47 83 211 34 16 9
Clog Flyer, Version B 1786 Clog Flyer, Version B Forged Al, polished, 2 slots, V-grooves, rod keeper Fell and Mountain, 2012 52 55 47 82 210 34 16 9
Conterra Delta V 2787 Conterra Delta V Milled Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, 4 eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Lance Johnson, 2020 89 94 75 86 602 32 15 20
Cypher 1799
Cypher XF Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Shopping, 2013
  • Outdoor Shopping, 2013
53 55 44 90 221 35 15 9
Cypher Arc, Version A 2701 Cypher Arc, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Outdoor Shopping LLC, 2017 59 53 46 107 258 33 15 17
Cypher Arc, Version B 2760 Cypher Arc, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Moosejaw, 2019 66 57 47 78 206 31 15 14
DMM Beetle 2794 DMM Beetle Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2020 55 54 41 78 173 33 14 21
DMM Bug, Version A 687 DMM Bug, Version A Forged Al, unfinished, 2 curved slots, wire keeper Exkursion, 1995 71 52 56 107 306 29 16 18
DMM Bug, Version B 846 DMM Bug, Version B Forged Al. hard anodized, 2 curved slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Northern Mountain Supply, 2007 82 52 56 100 293 28 15 17
DMM Bug, Version C 1787 DMM Bug, Version C Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Fell and Mountain, 2012 75 52 56 89 257 28 15 11
DMM Bugette, Version A 792 DMM Bugette, Version A Forged Al, unfinished, wedge shape, 2 D-shaped slots, wire keeper Shoreline Mountain Products, 2004 24 42 41 77 131 28 12 9
DMM Bugette, Version B 1825 DMM Bugette, Version B Forged Al, unfinished, wedge shape, 2 D slots, wire keeper, 2013 27 42 41 76 130 28 12 9
DMM Mantis 1885 DMM Mantis Forged Al, soft anodized 2 tapered slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Absolute Snow, 2016 45 53 38 87 178 34 14 15
DMM Pivot 1870 DMM Pivot Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, pivoting eye, plastic-covered cable keeper Backcountry Gear, 2015 72 78 46 71 256 35 16 16
DMM V-Twin, Version A 888 DMM V-Twin, Version A Cast SS, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Backcountry Gear, 2008 89 56 42 100 235  35  16  16
DMM V-Twin, Version B 1684
DMM V-Twin, Version B Cast SS, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Mountain Gear, 2010
  • Unique Outfitters, 2010
90 56 43 100 241  35  16  16
Edelrid Jul 1665 Edelrid Jul Forged SS, solid plastic keeper, 1 slot Mountain Gear, 2010 62 70 55 29 110 33 15 8
Edelrid Jul2 1883 Edelrid Jul2 Forged SS, plastic-covered cable  keeper, 1 slot Backcountry Gear, 2016 101 91 23 75 157 32 15 9
Edelrid Kilojul 1735 Edelrid Kilojul Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2011 77 90 47 85 356 34 15 27
Edelrid Lotse 866 Edelrid Lotse
Star Star Star
Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Walkhigh Mountaineering, 2007 77 60 48 112 320 33 15 9
Edelrid Megajul 1811 Edelrid Megajul Investment cast SS, 2 tapered slots, plastic-covered cable keeper with plastic cable arch Caran Hite, 2013 65 96 39 92 345 34 13 -2
Edelrid Megajul II 3633 Edelrid Megajul II Forged SS, 2 tapered slots, plastic-covered cable keeper with plastic cable arch - Gertjan van Pelt, 2024 75 105 38 99 393 35 14 -2
Edelrid Megajul Sport 2694 Edelrid Megajul Sport Investment cast SS, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper with plastic cable arch Backcountry Gear, 2017 88 100 42 81 342 31 16 0
Edelrid Microjul 1815 Edelrid Microjul Investment cast SS, 2 tapered slots, plastic-covered cable keeper with plastic cable arch Expé-Spelemat, 2013 61 109 90 30 296 32 11 -3
Edelrid Nanojul 1815 Edelrid Nanojul Forged SS, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Karst Sports /, 2024 78 78 32 84 210 34 12 24
Edelweiss Guru Alpin 1802 Edelweiss Guru Alpin Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Banana Fingers, 2014 100 93 43 108 427 35 14 30
Elliot 1676 Elliot Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Harald Müller, 2010 63 54 45 92 225 34 16 16
Ellis Brigham Climb 1682 Ellis Brigham Climb Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, V-grooves, rod keeper Nicholas Renner, 2010 53 55 47 84 216 34 16 9
Epic Peak 2702 Epic Peak Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Epic Peak Gear, 2017 64 55 45 38 93 34 16 16
Fixe Descender 2896 Fixe Descender
(a.k.a. Miku V2)
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Barrabé, 2021
  • Fixe Hardware, 2022
83 93 42 97 375 35 15 23
Fusion 895 Fusion Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Yi-tien Tuan, 2008 61 51 46 100 234 33 13 16
Fusion Neo-Sat 1732 Fusion Neo-Sat Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Hanny Piltz, 2011 61 55 43 97 232 34 15 16
Geelife 2798 Geelife Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Corys LLC Lawn Care, 2020 68 54 45 94 224 35 16 16
GM Climbing 2833 GM Climbing Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Aaron Marcus, 2021 63 55 44 93 226 35 16 15
Good Makings 1818 Good Makings Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Joyce Fabric, 2014 60 52 46 92 219 33 14 16
Good Makings Notched 1819 Good Makings Notched Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Joyce Fabric, 2014 65 55 46 94 236 34 15 16
GrandWall 1840 GrandWall Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Zach Bullock, 2015 58 55 47 98 252 35 16 9
GrandWall Wedgemount 1852 GrandWall Wedgemount Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper GrandWall Equipment, 2015 60 52 45 92 218 33 14 17
Grivel Master Mono, Version A 1894 Grivel Master Mono, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Sunny Sports, 2017 68 83 32 86 229 34 13 22
Grivel Master Mono, Version B 2802 Grivel Master Mono, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Eastern Woods Outdoors, 2021 67 83 32 86 229 34 14 22
Grivel Master Pro RTMAPB 1750 Grivel Master Pro RTMAPB Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, eye, horns, V-grooves, plastic covered cable keeper ExtremeGB Ltd., 2012 92 102 40 95 388 34 14 20
Grivel Master RTMAB 1749 Grivel Master RTMAB Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic covered cable keeper ExtremeGB Ltd., 2012 67 53 40 91 190 34 13 21
Grivel Master RTMAB North Ridge 1860 Grivel Master RTMAB North Ridge Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Andrius Jasinavicius, 2015 65 52 39 98 199 34 14 22
HB Marshall 744
HB Marshall Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper
  • Link Up Gear, 2000
  • Amnon Zohar, 2007
49 47 38 82 146 33 11 17
HB Sheriff 695 HB Sheriff Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, soft plastic keeper Guadalupe Mountain Outfitters, 1996 59 54 48 80 204 32 14 13
HB Sheriff Rigid, Version A 699
HB Sheriff Rigid, Version A Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper
  • Ragged Mountain Equipment, 1997
  • Miles Bradshaw, 2023
65 54 47 78 198 32 11 18
HB Sheriff Rigid, Version B 2816
HB Sheriff Rigid, Version B Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper
  • Paul Remington, 2021
  • Bette Gledhill, 2022
  • Miles Bradshaw, 2023
68 57 47 81 217 32 14 16
HB Sheriff Rigid, Version C 1681 HB Sheriff Rigid, Version C Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper Crystal Brocklehurst, 2010 66 56 47 80 213 32 15 16
I Climb (元鴻興有限公司) #651 3862 I Climb
(元鴻興有限公司) #651
Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper I Climb via Kevin M. Mai ZhongJie, 2023 55 58 26 114 170 31 15 25
I Climb (元鴻興有限公司) #652 3861 I Climb
(元鴻興有限公司) #652
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper I Climb via Kevin M. Mai ZhongJie, 2023 57 56 47 101 264 35 16 7
Kailas 1694 Kailas Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Lucky Outdoor, 2010 56 56 47 101 265 33 14 16
Kailas Alopias 2756 Kailas Alopias Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Kailas / Amazon, 2019 72 91 42 84 319 34 13 22
Kailas Kguard 1699 Kailas Kguard Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Lucky Outdoor, 2010 94 51 46 108 251 33 14 16
Kailas Apark 2755 Kailas Spark Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Kailas / Amazon, 2019 65 61 41 98 244 35 14 24
Kong Chuy 863 Kong Chuy #940 Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Outdoor Outpost, 2007 58 56 47 98 258 35 16 7
Kong Chuy 3882 Kong Chuy #940000 Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Miles Bradshaw, 2023 64 55 45 94 233 35 15 15
LACD Evo Alpine, Version A 1768 LACD Evo Alpine, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, release eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Alpinsport Basis GmbH, 2012 92 94 40 114 431 34 15 20
LACD Evo Alpine, Version B 1864 LACD Evo Alpine, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Alpinsport Basis GmbH, 2015 79 95 41 85 327 34 14 21
Liberty Mountain 743 Liberty Mountain Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, Al rod keeper Link Up Gear, 2000 51 57 48 83 226 32 15 13
Lixada 2838 Lixada Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Shenzhen Rosemi Fashion Co., Ltd. (深圳罗丝米时尚有限公司, miracdiam666), 2021 61 55 45 95 231 37 15 20
Mad Rock Aviator 1692
Mad Rock Aviator Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, hook, 2 side eyes, feed spring, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Juan Lizarraga, 2010
  • Premiere Consignment, LLC, 2018
100 98 51 100 499 37 15 20
Mad Rock Max Air 1635 Mad Rock Max Air Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Mad Rock, 2009 55 56 47 100 266 35 16 7
Mad Rock Paradox 838 Mad Rock Paradox Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Jim L. Rott 2006 69 61 45 106 292 31 16 10
Mad Rock Wingman 1791
Mad Rock Wingman Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, spring-wire, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Unique Outfitters, 2012
  • Trench 2 Trail Gear Shop, 2012
74 58 51 98 293 37 15 16
Mammut 799 Mammut Forged Al, hard anodized, plastic-covered cable keeper eBay, 2004 60 55 47 101 259 30 15 14
Mammut Crag Light 1834
Mammut Crag Light Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Jeremiah Logemann, 2014
  • Ben Litchfield, 2021
53 57 40 84 191 34 14 24
Mammut Fuse 845 Mammut Fuse Forged Al, hard anodized, plastic-covered cable keeper Eastern Mountain Sports, 2007 42 46 47 75 163 30 16 10
Mammut Vader Alpine 1687 Mammut Vader Alpine Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, release eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Mountain Gear, 2010 66 96 40 97 376 36 15 19
Mammut Vader Light 1686 Mammut Vader Light Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Mountain Gear, 2010 53 51 43 97 214 34 15 13
Mammut Wall Alpine 1865 Mammut Wall Alpine Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Alpinsport Basis GmbH, 2015 67 95 39 92 341 35 14 21
NAT 1812 NAT Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Xuefei Liu, 2013 63 55 45 86 210 35 15 15
NTR 1828 NTR Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Gold Bucket, 2014 64 55 45 94 231 34 15 15
Ocùn Ferry 1816 Ocùn Ferry Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, release eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2013 82 85 93 41 320 37 14 19
Ocùn Habu 3749 Ocùn Habu Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, release eye, plastic-covered cable keeper Granite Sports, 2022 65 79 39 89 273 33 13 19
Ocùn Hurry 3703 Ocùn Hurry Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Adventure Outdoors, 2022 44 48 39 86 161 33 13 18
Ocùn Tuber, Version A 897 Ocùn Tuber, Version A Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2008 56 56 47 102 271 35 16 13
Ocùn Tuber, Version B 2861 Ocùn Tuber, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Diana E. Crow, 2021 56 55 47 98 255 35 16 13
Ocùn Tuber Single Rope 1769 Ocùn Tuber Single Rope Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, ribbed V groove, plastic-covered cable keeper Alpinsport Basis GmbH, 2012 57 57 26 113 168 34 15 20
Petzl Reverso 2754 Petzl Reverso Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Got Your Gear, 2019 58 89 39 81 283 35 14 20
Petzl Reverso3 894 Petzl Reverso3 Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Mountain Gear, 2008  78 95 40 92 346 32 13 13
Petzl Reverso4 1740 Petzl Reverso4 Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2012 57 95 38 83 296 32 13 21
Petzl Unireverso 1809 Petzl Unireverso Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, ribbedV-grooves, eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper, carabiner attached Expé-Spelemat, 2014 123 95 38 157 560 32 13 21
Petzl Universo 1856 Petzl Universo Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, ribbedV-grooves, eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper, carabiner attached Banana Fingers, 2015 112 52 70 124 449 32 14 19
Petzl Verso, Version A 1638 Petzl Verso, Version A Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2009 54 51 40 84 171 31 14 19
Petzl Verso, Version B 2757 Petzl Verso, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eye, plastic-covered cable keeper Silas Dean Pawn, 2019 59 52 42 81 176 31 14 17
Rock Empire Guard 1770 Rock Empire Guard Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Climbing Terekpl, 2012 56 55 46 100 253 36 16 13
Rock Empire Guard II 1771
Rock Empire Guard II Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, release eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper
  • Climbing Terekpl, 2012
  • Ondrej Belica / Climbing CZ sro, 2017
62 87 45 98 380 35 14 12
Rock Empire Guard SB 3826 Rock Empire Guard SB Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wear rod, release eyes, plastic-covered cable keeper Ondřej Belica / Climbing CZ sro, 2022 72 90 42 91 343 34 15 19
Rock Empire Gym 2689 Rock Empire Gym Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slots, V groove, plastic-covered cable keeper Falling Rocks, 2017 53 58 25 103 147 31 15 26
Rock Empire Twin 3900 Rock Empire Twin Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, twin carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Ondřej Belica / Climbing CZ sro, 2023 78 94 38 96 344 34 13 25
Rocteryx 2736 Rocteryx Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Premiere Consignment, LLC, 2018 84 94 41 117 449 35 14 21
Salewa Alpine Tuber 2864 Salewa Alpine Tuber Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Bike Sport Adventure, 2021 72 101 39 95 374 35 14 23
Salewa Tubus, Version A 745 Salewa Tubus, Version A
Star Star Star
Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wire keeper Link Up Gear, 2000 79 60 48 112 324 33 15 9
Salewa Tubus, Version B 3794 Salewa Tubus, Version B
Star Star Star
Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wire keeper Sam Johnson, 2022 79 60 48 113 329 33 15 9
Simond Toucan 2 1741 Simond Toucan 2 Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, split eye tab, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2012 92 96 42 85 340 36 15 22
Simond Karo 2744 Simond Karo Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, plastic-covered cable keeper High Roca /, 2019 39 57 24 78 107 40 13 26
Simond Tubik 1651 Simond Tubik Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2009 57 56 47 101 265 35 16 7
Simond Tubik 2 1794 Simond Tubik 2 Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eye, plastic covered cable keeper Expé-Spelemat, 2012 74 58 42 81 195 36 15 22
Singing Rock 1609 Singing Rock Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Alysa Halteman, 2008 58 53 46 100 242 33 14 15
Singing Rock Buddy 1744 Singing Rock Buddy Forged Al. soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Above the Ridge, 2012 54 56 44 74 185 33 15 13
Singing Rock Hornet 841 Singing Rock Hornet
Star Star Star
Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Alan Woodhead, 2006 73 60 47 111 314 33 15 9
Singing Rock Shuttle 1713 Singing Rock Shuttle Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eye, plastic-covered cable keeper Outfitter’s Outlet, 2011 63 74 39 83 239 34 14 20
Smiley's Atoga Prototype 715 Smiley’s Atoga Prototype Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, 3 lightening holes each side, rod keeper Smiley’s, 1999 50 56 47 84 218 31 15 15
Smiley's Atoga, Version A 716 Smiley’s Atoga, Version A Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, rod keeper Smiley’s, 1999 50 55 47 83 212 33 16 15
Smiley's Atoga, Version B 1608 Smiley’s Atoga, Version B Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, rod keeper Andrew Knoflicek, 2008 50 57 48 83 224 31 15 14
Smiley's Keychain Atoga 1626 Smiley’s Key Chain Atoga Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, steel wire keeper
UNSAFE! Decorative use only.
Marty Karabin, 2009 4 24 20 28 13 12 5 8
Stubai 852 Stubai Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Sarah Oldfield, 2007 58 53 46 99 241 33 14 15
Stubai BC 1857 Stubai BC Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2015 60 56 47 75 197 31 15 13
Stubai BC PRO 1850 Stubai BC PRO Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eye, plastic-covered cable keeper, 2015 66 55 45 91 224 33 15 9
Trango Aires 2752 Trango Aires Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Moosejaw, 2019 94 94 43 78 316 36 14 15
Trango Jaws, Version A 700
Trango Jaws, Version A
Star Star Star
Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wire keeper
  • Nomad Adventures, 1997
  • Mountain Gear, 1997
78 60 48 113 327 33 15 9
Trango Jaws, Version B 3795
Trango Jaws, Version B
Star Star Star
Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, wire keeper
  • Sam Johnson, 2022
  • Leadner von Specht, 2025
75 60 48 112 321 33 15 9
Trango Moor 2734
Trango Moor Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, eye, plastic-covered cable keeper Premiere Consignment, LLC (isoldit.ca0238), 2018 71 89 40 71 254 35 14 17
Triwonder 2870 Triwonder Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Shota Murai, 2021 65 55 45 96 235 35 16 16
Tupa 2835 Tupa Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper giraffewb-5, 2021 68 54 45 30 71 35 16 17
Unknown 2880
Unknown Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, rod keeper
  • Ben Corby, 2021
  • Equipment Outdoors, 2023
52 54 47 79 202 34 15 8
Wild Country Pro Guide 1793 Wild Country Pro Guide Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Backcountry Gear, 2012 89 100 40 90 363 35 14 23
Wild Country Pro Guide Lite, Version A 1827 Wild Country Pro Guide Lite, Version A Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Alpine Sports, 2014 76 100 39 91 352 35 14 21
Wild Country Pro Guide Lite, Version B 2889 Wild Country Pro Guide Lite, Version B Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, carabiner eye, release hole, plastic-covered cable keeper Dasher Deals, 2021 70 102 38 95 366 35 14 23
Wild Country Pro Guide Lite 1893 Wild Country Pro Lite Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Backcountry Gear, 2017 59 25 21 86 46 35 14 21
Wild VC Pro 842 Wild COuntry VC Pro Forged Al, unfinished, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper M. Hallet, 2006 65 56 45 95 237 34 15 12
Wild Country VC Pro II 892 Wild Country VC Pro II Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Mountain Gear, 2008 81 62 45 96 266 35 14 13
Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version A 3909 Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version A Forged & milled Al, 2 slots, notched base, carabiner eye Miles Bradshaw, 2023 104 100 44 31 136 30,
14 7
Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version B 3910 Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version B Forged Al, 2 slots, V-grooves, rappel hole, release hole Miles Bradshaw, 2023 80 106 40 31 133 35 14 24
Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version C 3911 Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version C Forged Al, 2 slots, V-grooves, rappel hole, release hole, built-up ears Miles Bradshaw, 2023 82 106 40 32 137 35 14 24
Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version D 3912 Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version D Forged Al, 2 slots, V-grooves, rappel hole, release hole Miles Bradshaw, 2023 85 107 55 33 192 35 14 24
Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version E 3913 Wild Country Double Rope Prototype, Version E Forged Al, 2 slots, V-grooves, rappel hole /w relief, release hole Miles Bradshaw, 2023 84 107 55 33 191 37 14 23
Wild Country Pro Guide Prototype 3914 Wild Country Pro Guide Prototype Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, enlarged carabiner eye, release hole Miles Bradshaw, 2023 82 100 40 31 122 35 14 23
Wild Country Pro Guide Lite Prototype 3915 Wild Country Pro Guide Lite Prototype Forged Al, soft anodized 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, enlarged carabiner eye, release hole Miles Bradshaw, 2023 70 100 39 31 121 35 14 22
Wild Country Single Rope Prototype 39016 Wild Country Single Rope Prototype Forged Al, soft anodized, 1 slot, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Miles Bradshaw, 2023 55 57 26 118 175 32 15 24
Yoke 1746 Yoke Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, ribbed V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Xiang Wu Yang, 2012 63 54 45 91 220 34 16 17
Zero-G G-Spot 879 Zero-G G-Spot Forged Al, soft anodized, 2 slots, plastic-covered cable keeper Walkhigh Mountaineering, 2007 57 53 46 100 242  33  14 15
Zero-G G-Wedge 864 Zero-G G-Wedge
Star Star Star
Forged Al, hard anodized, 2 slots, V-grooves, plastic-covered cable keeper Maximum Adventure Sports, 2007 73 60 48 111 316 33 15 9

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