I would like to thank the following people and suppliers for helping me assemble this collection. The number of devices that I've acquired from each source is the best count I have, and is current as of June 1, 2021.
The stars go to the suppliers who have helped me acquire the greatest number of items for my collection (one star for each 25 items). I'm not selectively endorsing any particular vendor, since I have had good relations with all of them, but these vendors and individuals have gone out of their way to help me assemble this collection.
One of the vendors who acquired a number of devices for me pointed out that it may make the vendors "look bad" if I give them credit for selling me a device, but then write that I don't like it. I don't think that anyone should make this interpretation. Many of the devices in my collection were available from a number of sources, and in those cases I tried to be fair to everyone and spread the business evenly. Other devices were special orders, and not recommended by the vendors. I've even been sold devices on the condition that I don't ever use them because they are unsafe! I'm identifying my sources for information only, and such an identification doesn't imply that the vendor endorses the device.
If I've missed the URL for any of the major contributers, please e-mail me and I'll correct it.
Source | Number |
372 |
136 |
Gary Storrick | 125 |
122 |
104 |
93 |
79 (132) |
55 |
49 |
48 |
40 |
35 |
34 |
33 |
31 |
27 |
26 |
25 |
25 |
Barrabés.com |
24 |
Ragged Mountain Equipment |
24 |
Single Rope Technique Equipment |
23 |
Chris Christensen |
20 |
Howell-N-Mann |
18 |
Adventure Outdoors |
17 |
Darrel Tomer |
16 |
Karst Sports |
16 |
Exkursion Outfitters |
15 |
Michael Oatney |
15 |
Ed Sira |
14 |
Kelley Deem |
14 |
Marty Karabin |
14 |
Robert W. Storrick |
14 |
Vertical (Вертикаль) |
14 |
Backcountry |
13 |
CarolJo Rushin-Elron |
13 |
Eiselin Sport |
13 |
Kangjin Liao |
13 |
Tom Furey |
13 |
12 |
Rick Banning |
12 |
WesSpur Tree Equipment |
12 |
Backcountry Gear |
11 |
heightec |
11 |
Adventure Outdoors |
10 |
Alpinsport Basis GmbH |
10 |
cptnamerica2003 |
10 |
Harald Müller |
10 |
Strade FarEast Ltd. |
10 |
Climb X | 9 |
Omni Pro Gear | 9 |
Pathfinder Sports | 9 |
Sam Johnson | 9 |
Suntek | 9 |
Treestuff | 9 |
Walkhigh Mountaineering | 9 |
Barry Duncan | 8 |
Bob Elron | 8 |
Carol Veseley | 8 |
Kailas | 8 |
Premiere Consignment, LLC | 8 |
R. C. Schroeder | 8 |
Raúl Macia Sanchez | 8 |
Wild Gear Deals | 8 |
Yucca Dune | 8 |
Bill Boehle | 7 |
Brasovia | 7 |
Buffalo Gap Outfitters | 7 |
CWC Supply | 7 |
Denis Pivot | 7 |
Epic Peak | 7 |
Geoffrey Storey | 7 |
Gold Bucket | 7 |
Got YourGear | 7 |
Hanny Piltz | 7 |
Hawill’s Ltd. | 7 |
International Safety Equipment | 7 |
Joseph M Zambelli | 7 |
Repetto Sport | 7 |
Rescue Response Gear Inc. | 7 |
Robert Gould | 7 |
Rocksport | 7 |
Sheryle Bauer | 7 |
Climb Max | 6 |
Cormier Mountaineering Systems | 6 |
Craig Kubanoff | 6 |
David Jones | 6 |
Gear Express | 6 |
John Woods | 6 |
K&R Adventure Gear | 6 |
Ken Pritchard | 6 |
KHS Sales | 6 |
NSS Auction | 6 |
Olivier Peron Caillet | 6 |
Outdoor Shopping LLC | 6 |
Vladimir Kisseljov & Ilia Alexandrov | 6 |
Climb Tech | 5 |
Climbing Terekpl | 5 |
Eastern Mountain Sports | 5 |
Geary Schindel | 5 |
Jay Kennedy | 5 |
John Middendorf | 5 |
Joyce Fabric | 5 |
Knot & Rope Supply | 5 |
Lance Swartwout | 5 |
Mad Rock Climbing | 5 |
Moosejaw | 5 |
NSS Consignment Sales | 5 |
Raven Products | 5 |
Ron H. Clementi | 5 |
USHBA Mountain Works | 5 |
Vintage Climbing | 5 |
William Shrewsbury | 5 |
- Andrew Knoflicek
- B&C Wunderwear
- Banana Fingers
- Barry J. Rousey
- Brian Trevelyan
- CampSaver.com
- D. Bakker
- David Wain
- Elevated Climbing
- Gendarme
- Gene Clinger
- GrandWall Equipment
- Jonathan Schwinger
- Julian Turner
- Kristen Ongoy
- KwikSpace Safety
- Linko Chen 训连 陈
- Lior Porian
- Marina Khramstova (Марина Храмцова)
- Meituo
- Mike Adams
- Mike Moser
- Mountain Tools
- Para-Gear
- Pigeon Mountain Industries
- prstraining.com
- RescueTech1
- Robert Bowman
- Skinny Skis
- Stéphane Pennequin
- Sunpei
- The Outdoor Store
- The Safe Path
- Thomas Kopp
- Tom Smith
- TrekkInn
- Unique Outfitters
- Zachary Britner
- Absolute Snow
- Alec Rowley
- Anonymous seller
- Arthur W. McCarthy
- Au Vieux Campeur
- AustriAlpin USA
- Avi Basri
- Barbara Anne Am Ende
- Bev Pearson
- Brent Fader
- Bruce D. Vinkemulder
- Charles Denning
- CMC Rescue
- Cotswold Outdoor
- Dave Belski
- David G Keenan II
- Equipment Outdoors
- G.I. Joe Army Stores
- Hardware Sales
- Harry Rogers
- Howie's Harnesses
- Ice Rock
- Jim Goodall Equipment
- John Gardner
- Jon Marshall
- Jonathan M. White
- Kenneth Macke
- KS Rescue
- L&S Sporting Goods
- Link Up Gear
- Lucky Outdoor
- Marine Federation
- Mark Schneider
- Matthias Höfle
- Mizo
- Moosineer
- motorpartsvalue
- Mountainland Outdoor
- Needle Sports
- Omega Pacific
- Paul Calton
- Petzl America
- Philip Harris
- Philipp Molzer
- Robert Quast
- Ron Boomsma
- Ron Simmons
- Sarah Arsenaut
- Theresa Williams/Maury Benamy
- TradeInn
- Unknown
- William Deaton
- Yi-tien Tuan
- Yungfeng Xiao
- Acme Climbing
- Alan Shelby
- Albéric Sibille
- Alexander Starkov
- Alonzo Guerra
- Alpinist & Globetrotter
- Andrzej Mistela
- Andy Dopson
- Aric Schoonover
- Austin Habitat for Humanity
- Avri Keren
- Backountry (Russia)
- Barton Glasser
- beautylady365
- Bellingham Second Chance
- Bette Gledhill
- Bevan Trower
- Bike Sport Adventure
- Bill Varnedoe
- Boardparadise
- Bosity
- Brian Greco
- Brian Preaux
- Bruce Ellison
- Cameron Dickinson
- Camping Survivals
- Canyon Store
- Canyoneering USA
- Canyons & Crags
- Caroline Campbell
- Charles Knowles
- Charles Wilkes
- Charlotte Phillips
- Cheryl Jones
- Chloe Reeder
- Dalloz Fall Protection
- Dane Hardinge
- Darrick Gregory
- Dave Lester
- David Mellor
- Dawn Kordek
- Dean Berkbigler
- Diana E. Crow
- Diari
- Don Foote
- Don Koller
- Doug Anderson
- Duane Frerichs
- Duoqiao Technology
- Dwight Deal
- ExtremeGB Ltd.
- Falling Rocks
- Fell and Mountain
- Frank Brown
- Gareth Parry
- Gary LeMacs
- Gary M. Steffan
- Gibbs Products Inc.
- Gintautas Švedas
- Glacier Black
- Graham Barrett
- Gregory Jones
- GyC Seguridad S.L.
- Hector Avellaneda
- Henderson L. Holman IV
- Hewbolt
- J. Matzke
- J.W. Jackson
- Jack R Reynolds
- James Head
- Jansen Cardy
- Jasmine Mikulecky
- Jean Husband
- Jeff Brandenburg
- Jeff Brotzge
- Jeff Levin
- Jerrold Smith
- Joe Wang, Chinatera Ltd. (10happyendonline)
- John Campbell
- John Creelman
- John J. Rapa
- John Murray
- Jon Oshiro
- Josep Guarro
- JustRescue
- Kendall Chun
- Kris Wild / Squamish Search & Rescue
- Leadrise Outdoor Equipment
- Legit Kit
- Len Zandee
- Lindsay Rissinger
- Lisa Ward
- Luc Bourguignon
- Manuel Larios
- Marc Savignac
- Marcus Warme
- Mark Adler
- Mark Dickey & New Jersey Initial Response Team
- Michael Fisher
- Michael Miller
- Michael Silvey
- Michael Young, MWY Enterprises
- mind-me-jacobs
- Monarch Rope
- Morgan Thompson
- Mountain Safety Research
- Nate Fitch
- On Rope
- On Rope Canyoneering LLC
- Outdoor Outpost
- Paolo Favero
- Patrice St. Germain
- Patroller Supply
- Paul Gough
- Paul Hugill
- Paul Remington
- Phillip Trzcinski
- Pinnacle Arborist Supplies
- Repair Lair
- Richard Bradley
- Richard Wolle
- Rob Byrom
- Robert Brock
- Robert Landau
- Robert Southard
- Robert Steed
- Rock Pursuit
- Roger & Dawn Neher
- Roger Clanton
- RubiconGear
- Ryan Dumka
- Seth Parks
- Shawn Hinz
- Siray Kosek
- SiteLead, Inc.
- Smiley's
- Stanley E. Thomas
- SteepWorld
- Steve Booth
- Stuart Holmes
- Stuart Polack
- Sunny Sports
- TAD Gear
- Terry Wilkins
- Tetyana Zurigat
- Thomas Gaubert
- Todd Paris
- Tom Vines
- Vitaly Tomchyk
- Walter Marti
- Warren Lewis
- William Greenwald
- Wisstone Technology Co.
- World Lifestyle Shop
- Xuefei Liu
- Young Manufacturing
- Zhao Xiaodong
- zombiefamilyjohn
- Zoro Tools Inc.
- 5star-distribution
- Aaron Joella
- Aaron Marcus
- Aarond Reagan
- Above the Ridge
- Abraham Teitelbaum (אברהם טייטלבאום)
- Accessories Mall
- Adam Farmer
- Adam Gockel
- Addie Mannan
- Air Cargo Trader Ltd.
- AJ Sports / Amazon.com
- AJ's Super pawn
- Al Haarr
- Alabama Pickers
- Alan Leach
- Alan Woodhead
- Alex Ishakov
- Alex Washbin
- Alex Zimmerman
- Alexander Medrano
- Allen Padgett
- Alpine Sports
- Altius Technical Services
- Altrec.com
- Álvaro Gomes da Fonseca
- Alysa Halteman
- Amanda DeSouza
- Amanda Keast
- American Alpine Club Store
- American Forestry
- Amnon Zohar
- Amplatz Sport
- Andrea Rambaldi
- Andrew Colaninno
- Andrew Newns
- Andrew Tupalski
- Andrius Jasinavicius
- Andy (China)
- Andy Garcia
- Angie Beck
- Anibal Rocheta
- Ann Dunn
- Anthony Burdett
- Anthony Devonshire
- Anthony Morton
- Anthony Zertuche
- A-OK Power Equipment
- Arbor Tech Supply
- Arthur Short
- Artifacts LLC
- Associated Scaffolding
- ATN, Inc.
- Aukey International Ltd.
- Avalanche
- B. Bean
- B. Bieger
- Backyard Zip Lines
- Barbara Bullard
- Barry Huebner
- Barry Line
- Bart Ruggiero
- beautylover_uk
- Bedroom closet
- Ben Corby
- Ben Litchfield
- Ben North
- Ben Schwartz
- Benjamin Townsend
- BentGear.com
- Beth Penick
- BG Gear
- Big Edge
- Bill Edwards
- Bill Franz
- Bill Hartman
- Bill Holmes
- Bill Ivanoff
- Bill Storage
- Bill Wiley
- Billy Martin
- Bloomyshop
- Blue Ridge Outdoors
- Bob Danielson
- Bob Wilson/everythingflight
- Bobby Smith
- Bonnie Guoguo 郭 红柳
- Brad Laddusire
- break k
- Bret Auernig
- Brett Fournier
- Brett Sapowith
- Brian Bell
- Brian Bowness
- Brian Fisk
- Brian Kallfelz
- Brian M. Burasco
- Brian Woodruff
- Brittany L. Jacobs
- Bryan Beachy
- Bry-Dan Corporation
- Bullets LLC
- Buy Mania
- C. Burford
- C. Chandler
- Cal Manky
- Caleb Laurence (Laptop Specialties)
- CampFour
- CampZ.com
- Canyon Country
- Canyon Gear
- Caran Hite
- Cargo Largo
- Carl Dougal
- Carl Janysek
- Carl Kunath
- Catherine Molineux
- Cathy A Saffles
- Caves Unlimited
- Caving Supplies
- Centurion Surplus
- Cesar Sandoval
- Chance Philippi
- Charles Barchuk
- Check Six Aviation
- Cheryl Clementi
- Cheryl Madrid
- Chinatera Limited
- Chris Cristensen
- Chris Gehrke
- Chris Jury
- Chris Pund
- Chris Thomas
- Chris Vandiver
- Chris White
- Christie Baxter
- Christoph Wendel
- Christopher Connick
- Christopher Wanless
- Christopher Winslow
- Chuck Hoffmann
- Chuck Rozner
- Claudia Zavala
- Claudio Fontanari
- Clear Out Our Stuff
- Climb Axe
- Collon Phillips
- Colm O'Dwyer
- Comptoir des Techniques Verticales
- Contact Left Ltd.
- Conterra Inc.
- Corys LLC Lawn Care
- Craig B. Clark
- Crazy Shopping
- Croque Montagne
- Crystal Brocklehurst
- Curt T. Fladager
- Curtis Gray
- CV. Sakti Purnama
- Cypher Climbing
- D. Novak
- D. W. Dodd
- Daily Discounts & Pawn Shop
- Dale Baxter
- Dan Macmurray
- Dana D. Sandefur
- Dancing Buddha
- Daniel Abend
- Daniel Griffin
- Daniel Liebers
- Daniel Soleau
- Daniel Swift
- Daniel Veelik
- Darfene Pryne
- Darlene Pryne Re-Tooled
- Darold E. Barker
- Dasher Deals
- Dave Metcalfe
- David B. Coles
- David Chapman
- David Domina
- David Garcia
- David W. Pugh
- dealparty360
- Deb Sardone
- Debbie Flythe
- Delaman
- Dennis Nicholson
- Denret3rgu
- Derek Nichols
- Desert Rock Sports
- Devereaux Cousins
- Deziree Wilson
- Dick Mitchell
- Dirk Stoffels
- Dirk-Jan Swier
- Don Harper
- Don Shofstall
- Don Stephens
- Donald Buchanan
- Donley Safety
- Donna Paxton
- Doug Schmitt
- DP Auction Co, J. C. Astur
- E. M. Grillos
- East End Pawn Shop
- Eastern Woods Outdoors
- Echain International Ltd.
- Ed Yazzie
- Eddie Hughes
- Edgar Gutierrez
- Ed-Man Corporation
- Edward Bennett
- Edwin Crook
- Elaine Gomez
- Emily Davis
- Emma Xiao
- Eric Kohl
- Eric Thunberg
- Erica Harley
- Erin Macher
- euromegashop
- Evan Nickell
- Evaton s.r.o.
- ezAuctionDropOff
- F R Jones and Son
- Fadi Kilani
- Falcon Workshop Supplies
- FallProof Systems LLC
- Fallright International
- Felix Lambert
- Finnrappel
- Firat Ozler
- Fire Innovations
- FIXE Hardware
- Florsheim Consultants
- fmie2718
- Found, unclaimed
- Francois Gelinas
- Frank Hale
- Franklin T Finley
- FRHAM Safety Products, Inc
- Fritz Scholz
- Fusion Climb online
- G. Wright
- Galen Hekhuis
- Garden Machine Tools
- Gareth Bryant
- Garth Haynes
- Gary Day
- Gary Kirk
- Gary Lubra
- Gary Moss
- GearMerchant
- GearPro
- Gearshop.com
- GearX.com
- Geelife
- Geofrey Sykes
- George Stehle
- Gerard Scholler
- Get Lost Adventures
- Gil Pettyjohn
- giraffewb-5
- GM Climbing
- GME Supply Company
- Goodholm Living Inc.
- goplusstore
- Gordon Hawkins
- Gordon Svedberg
- Graeme Smith
- Granite Bay Treasure Island
- Granite Sports
- Great Outdoors Depot
- Great Trango Holdings
- GreenUCT / Amazon.com
- Greg Bumb / Santa Cruz Pawn
- Greg Estes
- Guadalupe Mountain Outfitters
- H T Pow Limited
- Hank's Surplus
- Hao Pham
- happyhausstores
- Harry I Sebree
- hea1985
- Heinz Steffen Zeidler
- Helen Bowers
- High Roca / Amazon.com
- HK Phoenix Technology Ltd.
- Holly Pender
- Hou Wenzheng
- Ian MacNab
- Ilya Zalivanskiy
- Imlay Canyon Gear
- importjewelrylover
- International Military Sales
- International Mountaineering
- Irvin Stickell
- Ito Rocky Direct
- Ivan Hernandez
- J. Raaf
- J. Reynolds
- J. Tsang
- Jack Hissong
- Jack Patterson
- Jacques Grieff
- Jai Andrews
- Jaime Bothwell
- James & Bobbi Hyde
- James Bechtold
- James Earles
- James Giant
- James Haerr
- James Jusick
- James Lucchesi
- James Morton
- James R. Armstrong
- James Thompson
- James Wells
- Jameson Riser
- Jamie Vise
- Janice C Snowden
- Janine Campanile
- Jason Brown
- Jason G Lubra
- Jason Macht
- Jason White / Independent Pawn
- Jay Shifferdecker
- Jay Walker
- Jayme Trombly
- Jean Slade
- Jeanne Biggs
- Jeannette Montgomery
- Jeejo Climbing
- Jeff DeFreest
- Jeff Laycock
- Jeff Marksz
- Jeff Peterson
- Jeff Riddle
- Jeffrey Kuchak
- Jeffrey Neff
- Jen Collet
- Jene Mercer
- Jennifer Kerrigan
- Jenny Box
- Jeremiah Logemann
- Jeremy Horning
- Jerry Beranek
- Jerry L Barthelemy
- Jesse Albanese
- Jill Killham
- Jill Kupelion
- Jim Brady
- Jim Chaney
- Jim Clark
- Jim Halstead
- Jim Morrison
- Jim Mousley
- Jim Patrick
- jncdiscount
- Joe Menichino
- Joe Nicely
- Joe Shapiro
- Joel Ankeny
- Joel Schloesser
- John Blackmore
- John Bull Clothing
- John C. Raaf
- John Charles
- John David
- John Fioroni
- John Fioroni, The Cave Exploration Society Inc.
- John Friedman
- John Greer
- John Klewicki
- John MacDonald
- John Marshall
- John Pfaff
- John Replinger
- John Sales
- John Vaartjes
- John Yost
- JohnBoysGear
- Jon Edelman
- jon-ncal
- Jordan Krause
- Jorge Gutic
- Joseph Healy
- Joseph MacLeod
- Joseph Pilato
- Josh Babcock
- Joshua Woodis
- Julia Bastone
- Julia Bloomer
- Julie E Rasmussen
- justrescue.com
- Karl Austin
- Karl G. Wilcox
- Karl Gehring
- Karla Green
- Kate Skonieczki
- Kathleen Merritt
- Kathy Green
- Katie Jo Miller
- Kayla Goulas
- Keith S. Bramer
- Kelly Byrne
- Ken Kramer
- Ken Laidlaw
- Kenneth Belk
- Kenneth Bernard
- Kenneth Laidlaw
- Kent Luttrell
- Kevin Cooper
- Kevin Liao
- Kevin Rayner
- Kieron Kent
- Kim Graves
- Kim Metz
- Koen Viaene
- Kong USA
- Konstantin Serafimov
- Kris Steele
- Kristine Muravska
- Kuang Kianjin
- Kurt Stone
- KWC Industries Inc.
- Kyle Evans
- L. E. Bibb
- L.L. Bean
- La Familia Pawn
- lagurindu64 / SEPEAK / Amazon.com
- Lance Johnson
- Larry Brocker
- Larry Moore
- Lawrence Rowles
- Lawrence Thomas, Innovative Industries Unlimited LLC
- Lee Newman
- Lee Pyell
- Lee-Anne Kummerer
- Len Nicolai
- Liao Kangin
- Liao Shao Qin
- Ligonier Mountain Outfitters
- Like to Play
- Ling Rukuan, Yuanyiguang Technology
- Lisa Jones
- Lisa Seifert
- LittleLots
- Liviu Valenas
- Logan Garrison
- Lorenzo Dotti
- losmee
- Lowell Burkhead
- Luke Dunlevy
- Luke Galyan
- M&M (halfstepnutchell)
- M. Iturzata
- Magen Deans
- Man Kim
- Mandatory Gear
- Manuel Ortega
- Marco Bonaiti / Kong
- Mariana Oliveira
- Marina Chugnova
- Mark Hopkins
- Mark Lamonica
- Marshall Faushold
- Martin Armitage
- Martin D. Guiles
- Martin Keight
- Mary Luoto
- Matthew Collings
- Maximum Adventure Sports
- Megan Davis
- Melanie Joyce
- Melody Dawson
- Melody Madison
- Metolius Mountain Products
- Michael Adams
- Michael Bing
- Michael Buchan
- Michael Jakub
- Michael McGuinn
- Michael Melfi
- Michael Record
- Michael S. McBride
- Michael Schultz
- Michel Brinkman
- Michel Sifre
- Michiel Lofton
- Mike Bessette
- Mike Ford
- Mike Fritzke
- Mike Ventrella
- Mike Walsh
- Mike's Pawn
- Mingyang Hell
- Mitchell
- Mladen Skeja
- Mo Money Pawn
- modeldeal88
- monboly
- motorsmarket_sfc
- Mountain Trail Shop
- Mountaineering Outfitters
- MX Pawn
- Myra Nicholas
- Myron Griffin
- Naked Edge Mountaineering
- Nan Cao
- Nathan Lester
- Neil Edwards
- Neil Relph
- Nelson Sports/Juan Lizarraga
- NetRush / Amazon.com
- Nevin Davis
- Newcastle Ramblers Bushwalking Club/John Sharples
- Newdoar
- Nicholas Harris
- Nicholas Renner
- Nick Oliver
- Nomad Adventures
- Northern Mountain Supply
- Northwest Express
- old_desert_trader
- Omaha Army Navy
- OMB Group, LLC
- Onyx Enterprises Int'l Corp
- Oregon Cash Company
- Oregon Renewables, LLC
- Orion-Alp (Орион-Альп)
- Outdoor Exchange
- Outdoor Play Inc.
- Outdoor Supply LLC
- Outdoor-Climbing
- Outdoors Etc.
- Outfitter's Outlet
- Over the Ground
- Pan Shaobin
- paska2016
- Pat Clark
- Paul A. Wood
- Paul Brian Scurr
- Paul Cherubino
- Paul Gerke Funcke
- Paul MacLeman
- Paul Miller
- Pauline Pool
- Pete Baars
- Pete Strickland
- Peter La Plante
- Peter Ludwig
- Peter Todd
- Phil Lucas
- Phil Winkler
- Philip Heffley
- Pittsburgh Grotto
- Pittsburgh Hytest Shoe
- Planet Surplus
- Plaza Pawn
- ppp_irving
- proacsafety
- Quinton Rogers
- R&L Supply LLC
- R. Burdenyuk
- Rachel Boersma
- Ralph Morvant
- Raminta Pilioniene, Quality For You
- Raquel Salinas
- Recreational Equipment Inc.
- Recyclingit Inc
- Renee Hastings
- Renee Jaloszynski
- Rescue Technologies
- Rescue Technology
- Rich Carlson
- Richard Briggs
- Richard E. Barb
- Richard Morse
- Richard Ziarnowski
- Rob Beightol
- Rob Peddie
- Robert Hollobaugh
- Robert Jones
- Robert M. Blake
- Robert Martin
- Robert Moser, NC Rescue Tech
- Robert Thompson
- Roberta Gibson
- Rock Solid Estate
- Rodney Mills
- Ron Erickson
- Ronald Krieger
- Ronald Marston
- ropeandrescue.com
- Rory Reshovsky
- Rose Gonos
- Ross Strother
- Rostislav Burdenyuk
- Roxie L Cannon
- Roy Jameson
- Roy Schrader
- Rt 51 Army Surplus
- Runwu Silent (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. (润物无声(深圳)科技有限公司)
- Ryan Melton
- S&E Industrial Supply Co., LLC
- S. Scott
- Safe Rescue LLC
- Sales Unlimited
- Sam Gardner
- Sam Smith
- Sandia Deals
- Sandra Gomez
- Sandra Lopez
- Sara Trovich
- Sarah Conner
- Sarah Oldfield
- Sarah Potter
- SaveMoneyForYou
- Saw Parts Inc
- Scott Conger
- Scott Davis
- Scott Linn
- Scotty Horn
- Sean Stewart
- Sergio Matteoli
- Shane Wendt
- Shannon Gardiner
- Sharon L. Shelton
- Shawn Edgecomb (refined_trades)
- Sheila Gallogly / Geary Schindel
- Shelby D. Short
- Shenzhen Oucong Electrical Technology Co., Ltd. (深圳市欧从电器科技有限公司) / Amazon.com
- Shenzhen Rosemi Fashion Co., Ltd. (深圳罗丝米时尚有限公司)
- Sherri Drew
- Shinya Fujii
- Shoe Annex
- ShoppingMadeEasy2
- Shoreline Mountain Products
- Shota Murai
- Sidney Evans
- Silas Dean Pawn
- Simon Cox
- Simon Green
- Simon Holmes
- Simon Whiteley
- Skylotec North America L.P.
- Slade Matthews
- Sofia Goumas
- Speedy-Marquee
- Speleobooks
- Speleofest Door Prize
- Spencer Schweinhart
- Sporting Goods Unlimited
- Sportsman's Fast Cash
- Stacey Doose
- Stacey Sims, Leather and Lacy Acres
- Stacy Williams
- Stan ___ (gwenverboy)
- Stanley Sides
- Stephen Bailey
- Stephen Koch
- Sterling Rope Company & Rescue Response Gear
- Steve Brandlein
- Steve Chamberlain
- Steve Eady
- Steve Hotchkiss
- Steve Lambrick
- Steve Nutting
- Steve Rogers
- Steve Sirrs
- Steve Swanchak
- Steven Gonzales
- Steven Kaufman
- Steven Leo
- Steven M. Mattson
- Steven Messer
- Steven Ward
- Stonecrag / Manuel Larios
- Susan Dorsett
- Susan Faerber
- Susan Pattison
- Susan Wooly
- Suzanne Butler
- Swaygo Gear
- T. Renerce
- Tactical & Rescue Gear
- Technical Rescue Training UK Ltd.
- Ted Steinke
- Tejas Mountain Sports
- Teton Mountaineering
- TheHardwareCity.com
- theoldmanspicks
- Thomas Carlsen
- Thomas Costello
- Thomas Cravens
- Thomas Flansburg
- Thorsten Huk
- Tim Chapman
- Tim Nolan
- Tim Spencer
- Timothy Brisco
- Timothy Greenway
- Tino Schneider
- Todd R Lindell
- Tom Mayer
- Tom O'Connor
- Tony Brent
- Tony Howes
- Tony Lam
- TowMeUp.com
- Trango
- Travis Luther
- Travis Piper
- TRE GmbH
- Trench 2 Trail Gear Shop
- Troll USA
- Troy Kossick
- Tru-Value Hardware
- unbeatablesale.com
- Unknown Hungarian Caver
- Unknown Russian Caver #2
- Unknown Russian Caver #3
- Utility and Industrial Products
- Vanessa Field
- Vern Veer Jr.
- Vertical-USA
- Vertigo Industries
- Vic Clementi
- Victor Jowison
- Victoria Peryea
- vtgtrends
- W. Fernandez
- Wade S Walker
- Walt Pirie
- Wang Wei Jie
- We Share Obsessions
- weddingmall2017
- welltopshophk17
- We're Not Scared Safety
- Westside Pawn LLC
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- Windows101
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- Xiang Wu Yang
- Xinqiang Yu (新强 余)
- Yaroslav Trubetsky
- Yates Gear Inc.
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- Zhoudiye 杨 炯