Future Site Construction PlansUnder construction

Coming Soon

I have evaluated the following devices, and I will be writing pages for them shortly:

  • None at this time.

The following devices are new acquisitions. I need to evaluate these before writing pages for them:

  • None at this time.

The following devices are on order, in trnsit, or have been donated but not yet received:

  • Alternative Current Sulu

Long-term Plans

This site is perpetually under construction. I started this in mid-August 1999, and instead of waiting until the site was "perfect," I put something on line early. Even now, many years later, I have more to add. This is a noncommercial site (I'm a user, I don't sell equipment, please don't ask), and I have to fit working on this into my spare time.

My general plans are to continue developing the site in the following order:

  1. A high priority is to review new, currently available equipment that is donated to my collection by the manufacturer or their distributors and dealers. I don't promise to like everything, but I will try give an honest assessment as soon as practicable (however long that takes).

  2. I try to create pages for all of the equipment that I currently own. This task is ongoing as I acquire and test new devices. Some of the descriptions are informal, as these were written quickly when I created the corresponding pages. These descriptions portray some of my opinions, but they tend to be rather incomplete. I want to expand these when I can, but each time I acquire something new, I start falling behind again.

  3. Some of the existing photos are blurred, so I need to reshoot them. I flag the worst ones with the "blurry eyes" icon . I also use this icon to flag photos that I want to replace for other reasons, such as having acquired a duplicate that is in better condition than the one originally photographed.

  4. There will always be spelling and grammatical errors to be corrected. I correct these as I find them, and occasionally make a concerted effort to systematically review each description.