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Front Side
Front Side

Technical Details

I acquired my PMI PED from On Rope 1 at the 1998 Speleofest.

My PMI PED is 75 mm. tall, 41 mm. wide, 13 mm. thick, and weighs 44 g.

One side is printed with "PMI."


The PMI PED is a personal escape device designed for emergency use. Rumor has it that it is designed for 8 mm. rope, but since it was sold without instructions, I cannot confirm this. The PED must be pre-rigged on the rope, which means that the user must either know exactly how far from the rigging point to rig it, or spend time positioning it before use. This is fine for the inexperienced, but a skilled user would probably prefer to use something else (e.g., a Munter hitch weighs less and is more flexible). I find the PED marginally adequate for emergency use, but not as a preferred descender for normal use.

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