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Single Rope Technique Equipment
Two-way Rescue Stop 2WRS


Front View Rear View Side View
Front View Rear View Side View
Front View: Open for Rigging Rear View: Open for Rigging
Front View: Open for Rigging Rear View: Open for Rigging

Technical Details

I acquired my Single Rope Technique Equipment Two-way Rescue Stop from On Rope (the Australian company) in 2004.

The Two-way Rescue Stop consists of a control handle/upper bollard assembly, a lower bollard casting, and a guide pin arm, each pivoting between two 3.5 mm. aluminum side plates. The plates are bent toward each other near the bottom, where each plate has a 15 by 18.8 mm. oval-shaped hole for attaching to one’s harness. The control handle pivots from a rivet near the top of the side plates. The upper bollard is a 17.3 mm. steel cylinder mounted on the same rivet as the control handle. A second pin is riveted to the inside of the control handle; it runs in a semicircular slot cut in one side plate and engages a bearing surface on the pivoting bollard assembly. The pivoting bollard assembly is a steel casting with integral lower and upper bollards. It mounts midway on the frame with a rivet that passes through the approximate center of the lower bollard. A projection on the top of the assembly forms part of the control handle bearing surface. A third rivet near the bottom of the side plate mounts an arm formed of two aluminum strips. A 9 mm. guide pin is mounted on the end of this arm. All rivets are backed by steel washers.

One side plate is stamped with the a figure showing the normal rigging, "PATENTED" and "TRAINING IS ESSENTIAL," the international caution sign, a book icon, "AUSTRALIA:, the SRTE logo, "MAX 3000 KG," and "SWL 300 KG." The other side plate carries the SRTE sticker and is stamped "10401201." The control handle is stamped with the SRT logo and "SYDNEY AUSTRALIA" on one side and "2. W. RESCUE STOP" on the other.


Rigging and handle operationThe Single Rope Technique Equipment Two-way Rescue Stop is similar to the Antec Double Stop, but is a larger, heavier device with a few different features. Like most SRTE devices, it is solid, well made, and heavy.

The main bollards are on the pivoting assembly. When the handle is released, the rope tension pulls the bollards inward, squeezing the rope between the upper bollard on the pivoting assembly and the bollard mounted on the handle pivot. This stops the rappeller, although it doesn't work unless there is tension on the rope below the rappeller (i.e., don't count on it working at the end of a drop). Moving the handle to a horizontal position forces the bollard assembly to rotate outward, allowing one to descend. I find these types of systems take getting used to, and in my mind are somewhat of a nuisance, but that is a personal preference that some others don't share.

Note that the tail end of the rope is trapped instead of hanging free from the upper bollard like it does on many other bobbins. This eliminates the need to add a second maillon or rapide as shown on the Bobbins: General Comments page.

The Two-way Rescue Stop is protected by U.S. Patent 6,732,833.


Boris Rogelja founded Single Rope Technique Equipment (SRTE) in 1980. Capital Safety Group acquired SRTE in 2011 and their devices started showing DBI-SALA, Capital Safety, and/or Rollgliss™ markings. Some of these continued to show SRTE markings, and some did not. There does not appear to be a specific date when the markings disappeared. Different devices removed the SRTE logo at different times. 3M acquired the Capital Safety Group in 2015 and the Single Rope Technique Equipment markings disappeared completely.

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