Front View | Rear View | Side View |
I acquired my Howell Experimental from Sam Howell at the 2011 NSS Convention.
My Howell Experimental is 267 mm. tall, 113 mm. wide, 19 mm. thick, and weighs 384 g. The device consists of a frame and two horizontal bars. The frame is a J-shaped piece of 9.5 mm. 6Al/4V ASTM Grade 4 titanium alloy. The lower end has an aluminum block closing the "J" to form an attachment eye, and the upper end is capped by an acorn nut. Each horizontal bar is made from a 100 mm. long, 19 mm. diameter 6Al/4V ASTM Grade 4 titanium rod. The rods have a cross hole at one end for the frame with the end drilled and tapped for a 3/8-18 UNC stainless steel bolt to secure the bar in place. The bars have shallow turned rope grooves, each 11 mm. wide and reducing the diameter to 15.5 mm. at the center of the groove. There is a 70 mm. long, 6.3 mm. dual-arm hyperbar at the end, one arm of which is bent inward about 20 degrees.
There are no markings on this device.
Sam built this to play with the idea of wrapping the rope in a figure eight fashion around the two bars. The construction allows adjusting the spacing between the bars by loosening the bolt, sliding the bars to the desired position, and tightening the bolt. Sam reports that the optimum separation is close to what I've shown in the photographs.
Relying on the bolts to secure the bars scares me, but Sam seemed to think that they worked fine.
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