Bonaiti Version A
Bonaiti Version B
Kong Version A
Kong Version B
Kong Version C
Bonaiti Version A | Bonaiti Version B |
Kong Version A | Kong Version B | Kong Version C |
In 1977 the Bonaiti company changed its name to Kong. I see no reason to separate these by placing them on different pages.
[ Top | Bonaiti Version B | Kong Version A | Kong Version B | Kong Version C | Return to Brake Bar Desc. ]
Front | Rear |
Side | Open for Rigging |
I got this Bonaiti Robot from Avri Keren in 2011.
I acquired my Bonaiti Robot, Verson A from Avri Keren in 2011. My Bonaiti Robot, Verson A is 145 mm. tall, 53 mm. wide, 33 mm. thick, and weighs 140 g.
This Robot consists of an aluminum frame and a steel brake bar. The frame looks like an elongated figure eight with two up-pointing horns on the eye. The upper frame opening is roughly rectangular, measuring 23 mm. wide and 68 mm. high inside. The risers are roughly circular with a 9 mm. diameter, but the top is thickened to 10.5 mm. high and 13.2 mm. thick. The shaft is 12 mm. wide and 9 mm. thick, and the eye is a 21 mm. i.d. circle with a 9 mm. diameter perimeter. Each horn is about 17 mm. high on the inside, and the gap to the shaft is 13 mm. The frame has a slight bend at the base of the shaft and horns that brings the base of the eye forward by about 9 mm.
The front of the brake bar is semi-circular, while the back is flat with a rounded transition at the bottom. The brake bar section is 31 mm. in diameter where the rope runs, and 36 mm. diameter at each end. A slight tab on he top rear of the bar projects upward about 6 mm. The brake bar is hollow. A lip at the rear left side of the bar was bent around the frame to fasten the bar to the frame while allowing it to slide and pivot.
The front of the frame has two sets of raised markings: a "GB" icon near the top of the shaft and "Kg2500" along the top of the eye. The rear has the raised letters "BONAITI" arranged vertically along the shaft.
The Robot is rigged in a number of ways, depending on the size and number of ropes being used. It has a number of other uses (e.g., it can act as a locking element in hauling systems). I've tried it and it performs satisfactorily, but there is little metal in the aluminum frame and on muddy ropes, it would quickly wear enough to require replacement.
[ Top | Bonaiti Version A | Kong Version A | Kong Version B | Kong Version C | Return to Brake Bar Desc. ]
Front | Rear |
Side | Open for Rigging |
I got this Bonaiti Robot new in the 1970s, no later than 1978 and possibly a year or two before then. I don't recall from whom.
This Robot consists of an aluminum frame and a steel brake bar. The frame looks like an elongated figure eight with two up-pointing horns on the eye. The upper frame opening is roughly rectangular, measuring 23 mm. wide and 67 mm. high inside. The risers are roughly circular with a 9 mm. diameter, but the top is thickened to 10.5 mm. high and 13.2 mm. thick. The shaft is 12 mm. wide and 10 mm. thick, and the eye is a 21 mm. i.d. circle with a 9 mm. diameter perimeter. Each horn is about 17 mm. high on the inside, and the gap to the shaft is 13 mm. The frame has a slight bend at the base of the shaft and horns that brings the base of the eye forward by about 9 mm.
The front of the brake bar is semi-circular, while the back is flat with a rounded transition at the bottom. The brake bar section is 31 mm. in diameter where the rope runs, and 36 mm. diameter at each end. A slight tab on he top rear of the bar projects upward about 6 mm. The brake bar is hollow. A lip at the rear left side of the bar was bent around the frame to fasten the bar to the frame while allowing it to slide and pivot.
The front of the frame has two sets of raised markings: a "GB" icon near the top of the shaft and "Kg2500" along the top of the eye. The rear has the raised letters "BONAITI" arranged vertically along the shaft.
Thre are minor changes in the frame from the previous version, but the significant ones are the thickened top and shaft that provide more margin for wear.
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[ Top | Bonaiti Version A | Bonaiti Version B | Kong Version B | Kong Version C | Return to Brake Bar Desc. ]
Front | Rear |
Side | Open for Rigging |
I acquired this robot used in 1992.
Kong Version A is 147 mm. tall, 53 mm. wide, 33 mm. thick, and weighs 155 g. It has a larger eye than the Bonaiti, with 25.2 mm. inner diameter. There are minor variations in the other dimensions, but nothing major.
The back of the brake bar has a single rounded groove instead of the flat surface of Bonaiti. The top of the brake bar ramps upward instead of jumping upward at a distinct tab. This chances the effective bar diameter to about 37 mm., a negligible change.
The raised markings on the front are "ITALY" arranged vertically along the shaft and "KG 2500" above the eye.
For most uses, I don't notice any significant handling differences
between the Kong and the Bonaiti Robots. After all, the round
groove in the back of the bar does not come into play in any of
the configurations shown in the preceding
illustration. It comes into play when using the Robot as a
top belay, hauling, or lowering device. If you try this, remember,
the groove is sized for one rope, not two.
[ Top | Bonaiti Version A | Bonaiti Version B | Kong Version A | Kong Version C | Return to Brake Bar Desc. ]
Front | Rear |
Partially Open | Open for Rigging |
I acquired my Kong Robot, Version B from Hanny Piltz in 2015.
My Kong Robot, Version B is 148 mm. tall, 52 mm. wide, 33 mm. thick, and weighs 156 g.
The markings are stamped into the frame, saying "KONG ITALY" on the front and "KG. 2200" on the rear.
Side by side, Version B may look bigger and better than Version A, but that is just illusion caused by the anodizing and the fact that Version B is new and Version A well-used. The lower strength rating on Version B probably represents greater rating conservatism rather than a real difference in strength.
Kong Version B is design and dimensionally similar to Version A. The primary difference is that Version B has different markings.
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[ Top | Bonaiti Version A | Bonaiti Version B | Kong Version A | Kong Version B | Return to Brake Bar Desc. ]
Front | Rear |
Side | Open for Rigging |
I bought this robot new from Barry Duncan during the 2006 Old Timers Reunion.
Version C is 146 mm. tall, 53 mm. wide, 33 mm. thick, and weighs 161 g.
Kong Version C is design and dimensionally similar to Version B. The primary difference is that Version B has an anodized frame
The markings are stamped into the frame, saying "KONG ITALY" on the front and "KG. 2200" on the rear.
Side by side, Version C may look bigger and better than Version A, but that is just illusion caused by the anodizing and the fact that Version C is new and Version A well-used. The lower strength rating on Version C probably represents greater rating conservatism rather than a real difference in strength.
The instructions show a way to use the Robot as an ascender.
It works, but not efficiently. If I didn't have any ascenders
handy, I’d rig a Texas system with Prusiks or RBS knots instead.
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[ Top | Bonaiti Version A | Bonaiti Version B | Kong Version A | Kong Version B | Kong Version C ]
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