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Altochut Version A

Altochut Version B

Altochut Spider


Altochut Version A Altochut Version B
Altochut Version A Altochut Version B
Altochut Spider Stick-Run
Altochut Spider Stick-Run


Altochut, Version A
(#3751, 3928)

Front Rear
Front Rear
Side Top Open for Rigging
Side Top Open for Rigging

Technical Details

I acquired this version from KHS Sales in 1988.

The body of the Altochut is made from three irregular 2.5 mm. steel stampings. The left side and rear stampings are hinged with a roughly 8 mm. hinge pin. The rear stamping swings to close with the right side with a 12 mm. knurled bolt. A lightweight safety pivots on the right side stamping to close the joint. Several pins link the two side plates. The top pin slides in a slot, and supports a 20.5 mm. knurled roller. The remaining pins are fixed rivets. The second pin supports a drag spring that runs in a groove in the roller, forcing the roller against the rope. The third pin provides a support for the opposite end of the drag spring. The fourth pin supports the cam and cam spring, and the fifth (lowest) pin supports the other end of the cam spring and also acts as a cam stop. The cam is made of 4 pieces of sheet steel riveted together. The inner two are recessed from the outer two to give a somewhat concave cam face. Each piece has notches (six on the outer two, seven on the inner two) cut on the cam face to form cam teeth. A large forged steel piece riveted between the outer cam plates forms an eye to tie in to.

Open Showing Roller and Cam

Open Showing Roller and Cam

The back of this Altochut is stamped with an arrow pointing upwards and labeled "UP" and the following message:

5/8" (16 M/M) DIA

It also has"7020433" stamped on the rear inside of the right side plate. This may be a serial number.


The Komet Altochut operates on the same principle as a Type 1 Lever Cam Ascender. The cam construction provides an unusual tooth pattern (at least for an ascender). The drag roller helps ensure that the cam grips during a fall by providing resistance to keep the body of the Altochut from free-falling down the rope. The more interesting feature is how the frame opens to accept the rope. The small safety catch does not appear to contribute much.

Instructions Instructions Instructions

Altochut, Version B

Front Rear
Front Rear
Side Open for Rigging
Side Open for Rigging

Technical Details

I acquired this well-used version on eBay in 2005. Kim Fleishmann gave me another in 2024.

Version B has a stamped eye instead of a forged eye; otherwise, it is functionally identical to Version A.

The back of this Altochut is stamped with an arrow pointing upwards and labeled "UP" and the following message:

Komet Altochut 310 lbs
Warning: Use only on 5/8" (16 mm.) dia
synthetic rope with arrow pointing up.
Do not use unless properly trained. Before use read
understand, and follow manufacturers instructions.
Made in France

The back side of the left side plate hinge has a faint dot-matrix impression that reads "T64 99 26."


I prefer the forged eye found on Version A, since it provides a more rounded surface to tie in to.

Instructions Instructions Instructions

Komet Altochut Spider P00018

Front Rear
Front Rear
Side Front, Open for Rigging Side, Open for Rigging
Side Front, Open for Rigging Side, Open for Rigging

Technical Details

Cam faceI acquired my Komet Altochut Spider P00018 from Gary Day in 2021.

My Komet Altochut Spider P00018 is 145 mm. long, 80 mm. wide, 63 mm. high, and weighs 506 g.

The main differences between the Spider and Version B are that the Spider has a smooth roller that runs on a fixed axle (eliminating the need for a drag pin), and minor differences in the arrangement of the rivets holding the front and rear plates together.

The back of this Altochut is stamped with an arrow pointing upwards and labeled "UP" and the following message:

Komet Altochut 310 lbs
Warning: Use only on 5/8" (16 mm.) dia
synthetic rope with arrow pointing up.
Do not use unless properly trained. Before use read
understand, and follow manufacturers instructions.
Made in France

The back side of the left side plate hinge has a dot-matrix impression that reads "CT20015554."


Without a toothed roller or a drag pin, the Spider tends to slide down the rope more easily than Altochut Versions A and B. This provides somewhat less security during a fall.


Front Rear
Front Rear
Side Top Open for Rigging
Side Top Open for Rigging

Technical Details

I acquired this version from Inner Mountain Outfitters in 1999.

The body of the Stick-Run is made from three irregular 2.5 mm. steel stampings. The left side and rear stampings are hinged with a roughly 8 mm. hinge pin. The rear stamping swings to close with the right side with a 12 mm. knurled bolt. A lightweight safety pivots on the right side stamping to close the joint. Three riveted pins link the two side plates. The top pin supports a 17 mm. smooth roller. This roller has a 13 mm. central hole and a spring inside that tends to center the roller, but allows it to deflect toward the pin in any direction. The second pin provides support for a weak cam spring. The third pin supports the cam. The cam is made of 4 pieces of sheet steel riveted together. The inner two are recessed from the outer two to give a somewhat concave cam face. Each piece has seven cut on the cam face to form cam teeth. A small steel stamping riveted between the outer cam plates forms an eye to tie in to. The cam axle and cam eye rivets have extensions on their left sides. The axle rivet supports stamped lever a strong spring that forces the lever downward against the eye rivet providing a strong holding moment. A small hook in the upper part of the left side plate aligns with a hole in the closure lever, providing a means to disengage this feature.

Open Showing Roller and Cam

Open Showing Roller and Cam

The back is stamped with an arrow pointing upwards and labeled "UP," "HAUT," "ALTO" and "OBEN" and the following message in dot-matrix format:

DRISSE D10.5mm EN 353-2
made in france549940/042

The back side of the left side plate hinge has a faint dot-matrix impression that reads "DF 54 99 29" and "CE 0333"


The Komet Stick-Run is similar to the Altochut. Its smaller size makes it more convenient.

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