2009 UIS & NSS Convention Display

I displayed 1299 devices from my collection at the 2009 UIS and NSS Convention. I mounted the collection on 36 boards before taking it to convention, just as I had for the 2007 NSS Convention display. In addition to the boards, I had a table with some larger items. I had some late arrivals and acquired a few new devices at the convention that I mounted them on a 37th board. Bob Thrun brought six devices that I did not have, and I displayed them on a 38th board.

Click on each picture for a full-sized (800-pixel square) image or click here to jump to the first one.

Hall Poster
Deaf Figure Eights I
Deaf Figure Eights I
Deaf Figure Eights II
Deaf Figure Eights II
Deaf Figure Eights II, Figure Eights with Ears I
Deaf Figure Eights III
Figure Eights with Ears I
Figure Eights with Ears II
Figure Eights
with Ears II
Figure Eights with Ears III
Figure Eights
with Ears III
Complex Figure Eights, Carabiner Methods, Brake Bars
Complex Figure Eights
Carabiner Methods
Brake Bars
Fixed MultiBar Descenders
Fixed MultiBar Descenders
J-Racks I
J-Racks I
J-Racks II
J-Racks II
U-Racks I
U-Racks I
U-Racks II
U-Racks II
Vertical Spools, Brake Tubes
Vertical Spools
Brake Tubes
Horizontal Spools
Horizontal Spools
Lever Box Descenders
Lever Box Descenders
Polybollard Descenders
Stop Bobbins
Polybollard Descenders
Hooks & Horns
Hooks & Horns
Miscellaneous Descenders
Ascender Knots
Ascender Knots
Type 1 Lever Cam Ascenders
Type 1 Lever Cam
Various Ascenders
Various Ascenders
Eccentric Cam Ascenders
Eccentric Cam Ascenders
Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders
Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders I
Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders II
Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders II
Board 25
Handled Eccentric Cam
Ascenders III
Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders III
Handled Eccentric Cam
Ascenders IV
Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders IV
Handled Eccentric Cam
Ascenders V
Double Handled Eccentric Cam Ascenders, Handled Lever Cam Ascenders, Foot Eccentric Cam Ascenders
Double Handled Eccentric
Cam Ascenders
Handled Lever Cam
Foot Eccentric Cam
Chest Boxes
Chest Boxes
Tubers & Belay Tubes
Belay Tubes
Complex and Miscellaneous Belayers
Complex and
Miscellaneous Belayers
Anchor brakes, Dynamic Cows Tails, Hauling Pulleys
Anchor brakes
Dynamic Cows Tails
Hauling Pulleys
Rope Grabs
Rope Grabs
Rope Grabs, Grappling Hooks
Rope Grabs
Grappling Hooks
Large Items I
Large Items I
Large Items II
Large Items II
Late Arrivals & Convention Acquisitions
Late Arrivals &
Convention Acquisitions
On Loan from Bob Thrun's Collection
On Loan from
Bob Thrun's Collection