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I displayed 1299 devices from my collection at the 2009 UIS and NSS Convention. I mounted the collection on 36 boards before taking it to convention, just as I had for the 2007 NSS Convention display. In addition to the boards, I had a table with some larger items. I had some late arrivals and acquired a few new devices at the convention that I mounted them on a 37th board. Bob Thrun brought six devices that I did not have, and I displayed them on a 38th board.
Click on each picture for a full-sized (800-pixel square) image or click here to jump to the first one.
Large Items I |
Large Items II |
Late Arrivals & Convention Acquisitions |
On Loan from Bob Thrun's Collection |
[ Older Displays | 1995 Display | 2000 Display | 2007 Display | 2023 Display | Vertical Home ]