Ice Hammers
↑ 042: Black Diamond
- Made in USA .
- 44x22 mm.
- An older tool with a full-length rubber-coated straight shaft. The previous owner filed the tip to a neutral clearance. Equipped with an aftermarket Charlet Moser leash.
↑ 043: Black Diamond X–15
- Made in USA [ca. 1995].
- 50x20 mm.
- This was my original backup tool. Although heavier than the Black Prophets, it was what I could afford at the time. I filed the tip to an aggressive positive clearance. Equipped with a Black Diamond leash. This leash is more suited for mountaineering than for technical ice climbing, so I may swap it it with the leash on my Raven.
↑ 040: Black Diamond Black Prophet
- Made in USA [ca. 1995].
- 50x20 mm.
- I loved my Black Prophets. My original pair was subject to a recall inspection, so I had the pleasure of sending a package to "Black Prophet Returns" in the Mormon Salt Lake City. My Black Prophets have the more desirable thin non-CE-approved pick. I've shown three pick options. The non-CE thin pick suits my finesse (vs. haul off and whack) style of ice climbing. Equipped with a Black Diamond leash.
↑ 041: Black Diamond Black Prophet
- Made in USA [ca. 1995].
- 50x20 mm.
- This is my current backup tool. It duplicates my other Black Prophet Ice Hammer.
↑ 039: Black Diamond Cobra
- Made in USA [ca. 2011].
- 50x20 mm.
- The Cobra came out after I acquired my Black Prophets. Fortunately, they use the same head accessories. The curved shaft provides extra clearance. I use a hammer face instead of an adze on my second tool. This tool has the less-desirable thick CE-approved pick. I've shown three pick options. The double spike works but is not my favorite type. Equipped with a Black Diamond leash.