Copperhead Climbing Nuts were originally developed as chocks for clean climbers, which is why I included them here. Nowadays they are primarily used as bashies for aid climbing on harder nail-ups where they are artfully pounded into thin seams to provide marginal bodyweight support. These placements cannot be trusted to hold a fall — they rarely will.
Copperhead data tables in my Forrest Mountaineering Ltd. catalogs from 1974 to 1983 list cable sizes of 3/32", 3/32", 1/8", 5/32" and 3/16" for Copperhead sizes #1 through #5, respectively. I have an earlier (undated) Forrest brochure that listed 1/16" for the #1's cable. That version was much weaker, rated at only 480 lbs (2.1 kN) under ideal laboratory conditions. The #1 (either version) and #2 Copperheads should only be trusted for direct aid.
Forrest discontinued making copperheads long ago, but Fish and others continue making them to support the demand of aid climbers. Original Forrest Copperheads are difficult to find and even more difficult to verify, as there are no distinct features that make specific brand identification practical.
Wired Foxheads
↑ Set 161-162,015: Forrest Wired Foxheads #1–#3
↑ 161: Forrest Wired Foxhead #1: 18, 24 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1970].
- No logo, rounded edges & corners.
↑ 162: Forrest Wired Foxhead #1: 19, 24 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1970].
- No logo.
↑ 163: Forrest Wired Foxhead #2: 22, 30 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1970].
- Early Forrest logo
↑ 015: Forrest Wired Foxhead #3: 24, 35 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1970].
- Early Forrest logo
Short Wired Foxheads
↑ 164: Forrest Short Wired Foxhead #1–S: 19, 24 mm.
↑ 165: Forrest Short Wired Foxhead #3–S: 24, 35 mm.
↑ 165: Forrest Short Wired Foxheads #3–S: 24, 35 mm.
↑ Set 294-294: Forrest Titons T3–T5, #6–#9
- Made in USA [ca. 1975].
- Slotted stem Titons.
↑ 122: Forrest Titon T3: 18, 25 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1973].
- Stainless steel.
↑ 296: Forrest Titon T4: 22, 31 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1975].
- Stainless steel.
↑ 121: Forrest Titon T5: 25, 34 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1973].
- Stainless steel.
↑ 120: Forrest Titon #6: 31, 44 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1973].
- Anodized.
↑ 297: Forrest Titon #6: 31, 43 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1975].
- Anodized.
↑ 118: Forrest Titon #7: 37, 54 mm.
↑ 119: Forrest Titon #7: 37, 54 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1973].
- Anodized.
↑ 324: Forrest Titon #8: 50, 70 mm.
↑ 298: Forrest Titon #9: 63, 83 mm.
- Made in USA [ca. 1975].
- Anodized, slotted stem.
↑ 117: Forrest Titon #9: 50, 79 mm.
- Made in USA [1980].
- Two drilled stem holes Smaller than slotted version.
↑ Set 109-116: Forrest Titons #10–#17
↑ 109: Forrest Titon #10: 50, 89 mm.
↑ 110: Forrest Titon #11: 50, 99 mm.
↑ 111: Forrest Titon #12: 50, 114 mm.
↑ 112: Forrest Titon #13: 50, 126 mm.
↑ 113: Forrest Titon #14: 50, 140 mm.
↑ 114: Forrest Titon #15: 50, 152 mm.
↑ 115: Forrest Titon #16: 50, 165 mm.
↑ 116: Forrest Titon #17: 50, 177 mm.