Denis Pivot of C.A.M.P. provided the following information on C.A.M.P.'s relationships with other manufacturers:
CAMP and Other Manufacturers
CAMP has always maintained good relations with its competitors. The biggest brands (Chouinard, Black Diamond, Lowe, Cassin, Salewa, Simond, Charlet-Moser, Petzl), thanks to the confidence they had in CAMP's manufacturing quality, subcontracted the manufacturing of mountain equipment to CAMP. This was an opportunity for the latter to make its industrial tooling profitable.
CAMP – Interalp
In 1968, CAMP entrusted its French multi-card agent, Mr. Robert Charles Maillot, with the marketing of its products outside Italy. Through his company INTERALP, Maillot distributed various brands of mountain equipment in Europe and thus helped to make CAMP known outside Italy. In the 1970s, it was common to stamp the manufacturer and distributor brand on equipment, such as Robbins (distributor in the USA of the Alpélit brand) and Alpélit (French manufacturer of ice axes).
Over time, INTERALP focused on developing its own company and hid CAMP's role as designer and manufacturer. CAMP, unable to accept this, withdrew distributing from INTERALP in 1980 and reorganized its distribution network worldwide.
(Without the CAMP brand, the INTERALP company disappeared in a few years…)
CAMP - Chouinard
In 1968, during a trip to Italy to participate in the Trento Mountain Film Festival, Yvon Chouinard visited the CAMP factory in Premana with Hermann Huber (Salewa). Following this visit, an agreement was reached for CAMP to manufacture ice axes, pitons, Hexentrics and Stoppers for Chouinard (later Black Diamond). This equipment was sold by CAMP with the double marking of the logos CHOUINARD and CAMP and the addition of the logo of the INTERALP sales agent. All Chouinard equipment marked "Made in Italy" or "Italy" was manufactured by CAMP.