Angel Cams
Matteo Vinatti began patent filings in 2018 and eventually received World Patents WO 2020/110081 A1 in 2020 and WO 2021/019512 A2 in 2021, along with several country-specic equivalents. Alternative Current made the first conmercial batch of Angel Cams in May 2022.
↑ Set 555-556: Alternative Current Angel Cams AC1, AC2
↑ 555: Alternative Current Angel Cam AC1: 26–100 mm.
- Made in Italy [2024].
- A large, heavy, complex camming device designed to cover a wide range. Collapses for carrying. I view it as a tool for special occassions.
↑ 556: Alternative Current Angel Cam AC2: 40–145 mm.
- Made in Italy [2024].
- A large, heavy, complex camming device designed to cover a wide range. Collapses for carrying. I view it as a tool for special occassions.