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Proverti 201L & 202L



201L 202L
201L 202L



Front View: Closed Rear View: Closed
Front View: Closed Rear View: Closed
Front View: Open for Rigging Rear View: Open for Rigging
Front View: Open for Rigging Rear View: Open for Rigging

Technical Details

I acquired my Proverti CD 201L from Ondřej Belica in 2015.

Cam faceThe 201L is right-handed. The ascender is 110 mm. high, 74 mm. wide, 33 mm. thick, and weighs 137 grams. The ascender shell is subtriangular shape bent from 4.0 mm. aluminum sheet. The rope channel is formed by bending the left side of the ascender into a U. The rope channel is 15 mm. wide. The main sling attachment point is located below the cam and behind the rope channel. A second attachment point is located above the cam, also behind the rope channel. The shell is bent backwards at both points to provide clearance between the attachment slings and the main rope. This accounts for the rather large thickness of this ascender. The attachment points are pear-shaped openings distorted by the stamping operation. The lower attachment point measures 22.7 by 21.8 mm. and the upper 27.5 by 19.2 mm. The right side of the shell is bent on an inclined axis to form another U. A hole drilled through both sides of the U accepts a semi-tubular rivet. The cam and cam spring are mounted on this rivet. The pivot is centered 48 mm. from the inside of the rope channel.

The cam is a stainless steel casting with a hybrid form consising of a large opening behind the mud slot, a smaller oepning behind this, and a reinforced partial web filling the remainder. The cam radius increases from 36 to 52 mm. over an angle of 38°, giving a 30° cam angle. The cam has number of small conical sloping teeth. The tooth pattern is (2.4)(1S1.2S2)^2(1S1)(2.3) where the "S" represents a single longitudinal mud slot. Like many other ascenders, the inner cam face radius reduces from top to bottom to accommodate various sized ropes.

A spring-loaded manual safety tab is attached to the cam with a semi-tubular rivet. The safety is stamped from 2.5 mm. aluminum alloy. The lower portion is bent outward about 60° to form a thumb tab. The top of the tab has a stamped checkered pattern. The spring is a compression spring that fits over a post on the base of the cam and a small tab on the stamped safety. The normal action of the spring holds the safety against the cam. When the cam is opened, the shell interferes with the safety, thus preventing opening the cam. If the safety is moved away from the cam (opposing the spring), it will clear the shell and the cam will open. At full open the safety can be released and the spring will hold the safety against the back of the shell. This provides a means of locking the cam open.

The back of the ascender is printed with "PROVERTI," a rectangle, "CD 201," "ROPE O9<Ø<13," the UIAA logo, "EN 567," "CE0082," a book-with-an-"i" icon, "PROTECT®," a rigging illustration, and a hollow arrow containing the words "UP" and "ASCENSION."


The 201L is essentially a mirror image of the 202L. This makes it unique, as almost all other stamped frame chest ascenders in my collection are left-handed. One exception is one of the NTR versions, which is essentially identical to the Proverti 201L.

In general I feel that this is a well made ascender. All sharp edges have been removed. The cam teeth are rather well done. The tab on the safety is rather small and slopes downward, allowing one’s thumb to slip off rather easily.

Looking at the markings, I noticed that everything except the hollow arrow containing the words "UP" and "ASCENSION" is upside-down. Looking closer, I can see that the rectangle covers another hollow arrow containing the words "UP" and "ASCENSION," and this arrow is upside-down as well. Obviously the screening was placed incorrectly, and Proverti caught and corrected the error before shipping the ascender.


Front View: Closed Rear View: Closed
Front View: Closed Rear View: Closed
Front View: Open for Rigging Rear View: Open for Rigging
Front View: Open for Rigging Rear View: Open for Rigging

Cam faceTechnical Details

I acquired my Proverti CD 202L from Ondřej Belica in 2015.

The Proverti CD 202L is 110 mm. tall, 74 mm. wide, 33 mm. thick, and weighs 137 g. The rope channel is 16 mm. wide. The cam radius increases from 35 to 52 mm. over an angle of 39°, giving a 30° cam angle. The tooth pattern is (2.4)(1S1.2S2)^2(1S1)(2.3).

The markings on the 202L are the same as on the 201L except "CD 202L" replaces "CD 201L," and the positions of the markings are rearranged.


The 202L is a left-hand ascender, essentially a mirror image of the 201L. The markings have the same error and correction as on the 201L.

The 202L is essentially identical to the Goracon and the NewDoar Version A.

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