Gary D. Storrick


Enjoying retirement

Vertical Caving & Climbing Devices Collection

Peña Colorada Expedition, 1984

(Related Video)

Bicycle Trips & Scenery

Non-cave Diving Trips

West Virginia Cabin


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Left: Soon to encounter one of the great mysteries, but in zero viz, I didn't see it.

Right. This is REALITY. Anyone who disagrees hasn't been there.

Left: Aid climbing, the ideal way for an engineer to relax.

Center: Old A5. After RURPS, RPs, sawed-offs, blades, a head, and a bomber hook between mank rivets, I move into the realm of angles, cams and bongs. A nice & easy new-wave A3.

Right: Easy ground after the short M5 traverse in from the left. Carbon fiber Black Prophets rule.

Left: After the A1 lead on drilled angles, its RP time for the C2 roof move.

Right: My favorite hike, the Presidentials in winter.

(The weather keeps the tourons away).

Jugging & cleaning a C2.


…Work hard, play hard, and always have fun along the way…